Edible Boston: Indian Head Farm

I recently had the opportunity to photograph Indian Head Farm in Berlin, MA for a story in Edible Boston.  The farm has been in the Wheeler family for almost 200 years. Think about that. Two. Hundred. Years.  That's a farm founded before the Civil War. That's seven generations of farmers on the same land. That's a very long time. One of my favorite images from the shoot is an image of family pictures laid out on the table.  When you're standing there looking out at the fields it's difficult to understand just how much history the family has there. The pictures provided a glimpse into that history.

It wasn't until after the shoot that we realized another way to showcase the span of time that the Wheelers have been there. When we put the images of James Wheeler and the oil painting of his great-great-great grandfather from the civil war next to each other it was striking how similar they look.

Portrait of a New England farmer by Boston portrait photographer Adam DeTour

Portrait of a New England farmer by Boston portrait photographer Adam DeTour for Edible Boston Magazine

Multi-generational farmers photographed by Food photographer Adam DeTour

To see more of my work for Edible Boston click here.